
Friday, April 12, 2013

K is for Kind

Publishing is a big business.  There are a lot of books, more books than I can ever read, and more authors than I can ever remember.  At the same time it’s a small business. Names get around. We meet people on the internet and at conferences.  You don’t want to be the name that people roll their eyes at.  Keep a good reputation.  Be kind


  1. Great thing to remember in our writing professional life and in life in general. Thanks for reminding us.

  2. You are so right! An unkind word can cause a sting (and a stink) that lasts forever!

  3. Thanks for the reminder, sweet Sara.

  4. Funny to read this post after Hugh Howey's big rant at "that bitch from WorldCon." I'm on your side. I'd rather help people, not even for the reputation, but just to have had positive effects on others. Lovely.

    John at The Bathroom Monologues

  5. It goes along with don't burn bridges.

  6. I think it's always important to be thoughtful of others. Once I was at a conference, and during dinner, I sat next to another attendee who announced that she sometimes reads trash, like mysteries. I was annoyed that she'd said that because my WIP at the time was a mystery. I was waiting for her to ask what I was working on just so I could tell her, but she never did. She spent most of the dinner just talking about herself.

  7. Excellent point! I know some who aren't. They are definitely in the minority though.

  8. Especially on the internet where things are recorded forever. Luckily everyone I've met has been absolutely sound.

  9. Absolutely! Kindness costs nothing. :-)

  10. Good advice. It's far too easy in this internet age to fall into the trap of saying things online you'd never say to their faces.

  11. Ah yes, but that pretty much goes for life in general, I think.

  12. Thanks for the reminder. You're so right.
