
Wednesday, September 19, 2012


The blank page stares back at me.  I only have a glimpse of the MC, a faint idea of plot and the empty page waiting to be filled is overwhelming.  But I start, my fingers hesitant on the keys, slow, unsure as I try to find my way into the story.  As I slip into the characters my fingers go faster, each word inspires three more.  I think of things that need to happen to get them where they are, or to get them out of where they are. My mind wants to write these scenes at once.  It would be easy to get distracted but I keep on the path I started and before I know it the scene is done, hours have passed, and the real world is clamoring for attention, but, I smile.  I know I have a story here.


  1. Congrats Sara,

    You remained focused and got the job done!

    Thanks for dropping by my blog earlier. They also have cycle desks if you are so inclined. I think it would be easier than treading.

    1. Ooo, I didn't know about the cycle desks. I'll have to look into that.

  2. Heck, this post already sounds like the start of a story! Much luck with your writing!

    Also, regarding your son's allergy, have you ever tried replacing eggs with flax meal? One tablespoon of flaxmeal to 3 tablespoons of water (let it sit for a minute) equals one egg. I use flaxmeal to substitute eggs or part of the flour in baked goods all the time. :) Works really well.

    Also, and have a lot of good diet-based recipies, if you ever want to check them out!

    1. Thanks for the links! I've never tried the flaxmeal, I'll have to pick some up. I usually sub a quarter cup applesauce for an egg, but it's still not quite the same. Thanks!

  3. Sara, it sounds like you're in a good place here. Keep on writing!

  4. Best feeling ever. Hands down. I love when three hours feels like ten minutes :)

  5. Love this post on a lot of levels! You seem to have a penchant for poetry, that a talent of yours? ^_^

    1. Well, I used to write a lot of poetry. I wouldn't call it a talent and I haven't written any in years.

  6. Ah, I just started the first chapter on my latest novel and I have to tell you, I feel so impatient! It's such a mess, and I know I'm missing huge holes, and that my characters aren't right, and I've done too much here and not enough there. Grrr...I need to adopt your attitude! I should be grateful I HAVE a story that wants to come out so fast I can hardly keep up with it.

    1. I get that way too. I really want to send this to my first CP (aka Mom) to get feedback on the first few chapters and see if it's interesting, or cliched or just unbelievable but I need to go back and rewrite the first two scenes to smooth out timeline and remove all the telling I started with as I set the story.

  7. Awesome! Keep typing while it's hot! (:

  8. I love the rush that comes with starting a new story. Hope that feeling stays with you for a while longer!

    1. That rush makes all the slogging through edits easier.

  9. Love this feeling! Especially the part about wanting to write all the scenes at once. But I can never seem to draft on the computer - pen and paper for me :-)

  10. After working and reworking on a MS for so long, a blank page is actually refreshing (in my case, anyway). You can do it! :)

    1. Refreshing but intimidating. I've been working on the same story for so long I wasn't sure I could do anything else.

  11. HA! I write VERY slow. I've been working on the same book for over three years. THREE YEARS! Of course during those three years I also had to teach myself how to write and I've done a few short stories. And maybe if I thought it through more before I started I wouldn't need so much editing.

    Sorry about the email access. That's not fun.
