
Friday, July 20, 2012

That Time of Year

We're getting into my favorite time of year--school supply time!  With schools in the area starting in just a couple weeks every store I enter is filled with isles of pencils, glue, markers, staplers and notebooks.  Even though my kids aren't in school I wander up and down each isle.  I bought each of them a notebook of their own.  Truck Boy carried his through the whole store.  Pretty Girl sat on her perch in the shopping cart and looked through the whole thing page by page.  On each page she would point and say "ABCs, ABCs"  no matter how many times I tried to explain that there were no ABCs, and that we had to put the ABCs in.  I think if I can teach them to love school supplies and libraries I will have been a good mother.*

Even though most of my writing is done on the computer now my favorite are still notebooks.  Followed closely by finding the perfect pen, black and thick and liquid. What I love most about notebooks are the possibilities.  It's empty and expectant.  It can't fill itself.  It's up to you.  The good, the bad, they ugly--you put it in. It will hold your failures and your successes.  But it's waiting just for you. 

What's your favorite school supply and why?

*I do know I need to teach them a few more things to really be a good mother but it's a start.


  1. Oh,yes! School supplies are the best! I do love to browse the stores even though I'm no longer teaching and have little need for more than a few notebooks and pens.... well that and printer paper. ; )

    1. I don't buy a whole lot, but it takes some restraint. I don't really need them but I crave them.

  2. Sara, my daughter is in love with notebooks too. My favorite school supply, by far, would be crayons. Love 'em!

    1. Ooh, crayons are fun too. Glad to find another notebook lover!

  3. I can so picture you in the store with your little people! Love it. My favorite school supply is a new pair of scissors. Must be Fiskars, of course.

    1. When I bought them their notebooks Truck Boy asked if this meant he was finally going to be able to ride the bus to school. It's hard to tell him he has to wait two more years.

      I do love good scissors.

  4. Oh, school supplies! I homeschool, so I did a ton of schoolbook shopping recently--not so much of the school supplies.

    Hm, if I had to pick my favorite, though, I'd say pens...I used to write by hand a lot more before I had my laptop, and there's a huge difference between a good pen and an 'eh' pen. ;)

    Sounds like your kids are having fun. :D

    1. School books are fun too. They're just not out at the local stores.

      I completely agree about Pens. I'm pretty picky about what kind I use.

  5. I'm a little more high-tech. Love it when they come out with new flash drives that hold more for less. :)

    1. I'm learning to love (and understand) the tech gadgets. Now that I'm using the computer more for my writing I'm learning what I like tech gadget wise. I got my first cell phone a year ago. Now I have a smart phone, and a netbook, and want a kindle too. Now that I've given into gadgets I desire them.

  6. Along the same lines as the notebook... I love the smaller ones, blank journals. I found a really cool one recently, that lays completely flat when open, and I would like to start writing a "for fun" project in that one! :-)

    1. Having a notebook just for a fun project sounds like a great idea. I have to find just the right notebook when I'm buying them.

  7. I'm so excited that I get to buy school supplies this year for my little monkey. I bought her a pair of safety scissors a few weeks back and she was occupied for an hour. Best $1 I've spent in a while.

    1. That makes we want to buy scissors for my kids. But Pretty girl is obsessed with hair. I find her using her brother's plastic pliers to pretend to give herself a haircut all the time. I think I'll skip the scissors until she's a little older.

  8. Love love love school supplies. Notebooks, pens, stickers... I love buying new notebooks to write in!

  9. I love school supplies too. Getting new supplies is also a fun way to get kids excited about school and learning. Heck, it gets me excited about school too! (:

    1. I loved school. I think I was the only person at my school who was excited about a new school year.

  10. I love notebooks. I'm always gravitating toward the fancy notebook section when I'm in those wonderful book stores. But my handwritten is horrible. To compensate I fill my edges with beautiful stickers.

    1. My handwriting is terrible too. I'd never thought of dressing it up with stickers though. Thanks!

  11. Oh my gosh...

    I LOVE this time of year too... And I've always loved paper and pens and stationary and stamps... can't wait for the fall!

    1. Ooo, stationary! Love that too. Email killed the art of letter writing. Still, I do like email...

  12. I remember I had the coolest ruler: It had the ABCs on one side, with the inches on the other - all done in color. Fall still feels like the beginning of a new year of studies; I'm looking forward to rewriting my very first manuscript. Thanks for the lovely post, Sara!

    1. Ooo, rulers! I didn't even see any of those this year. Hmm, I'll have to go look for some. Good luck on the rewriting. I too feel like fall is a good new beginnings.
