
Monday, September 5, 2011

Happy Labor Day

Happy Labor Day everyone!  We're celebrating by laboring in our basement, painting the walls.  And possibly taking our sick kids to the doctors.  If they're open.  Anyone doing anything fun? 


  1. Joy. Sick kids are always fun, eh?

    Hope they feel better soon and you get lots of painting done!

  2. Thanks, painting is done other than touch ups and the kids are feeling better but I don't like the wheeze in their chests. Why does this always happen on a three day weekend when doctors are closed?

  3. Oh, no! My hubby's family *always* gets sick late on Fridays. It was that way with his dad (RIP) and still is with his mom.

    Today, we're in the rain from Lee--lots of rain! I'm writing like a good little girl. LOL!

  4. We got some rain monday afternoon/evening. The tornado warnings went off once but didn't stay on long. Fun times.

  5. We did absolutely nothing. Which sounds kind of nice but was actually pretty boring. Sounds like you had an eventful day!

  6. Everyone needs a do nothing day once in a while.
