
Thursday, January 3, 2013



Yesterday I started writing again.  I hadn't worked on my infant manuscript in six weeks.  Oh, I'd pulled up scenes on occasion, read a bit here, added a few words there, but we were constrained to clandestine meetings and fleeting glances.  Pulling her up and spending real time with her, writing out her insecurities and her strengths, helping her reach towards her desires, was bliss.  There's so much to do, so many ideas and improvements.   I'm glad we can spend some quality time together now. 

How is your new year going?  Are you getting back to work?  What projects are you working on?  


  1. Infant manuscript? Girl your funny and you don't even know it, our maybe you do... I'm in the same boat singing the same sailors tune.

    1. Yo ho ho.

      You know, hubby always says I'm hilarious, somehow I don't think he means what I wish he was saying....

  2. Glad you are enjoying being reunited with your manuscript! Sometimes it can be tough to pick up where you left off. Have fun in 2013.

    1. It can be tough but this MS is still talking to me. I love that.

  3. Good for you, Sara! I'm happy right now with typing in all the raw long hand from November and December. Once that's done, I can get to work. ; )
    Happy Writing!

    1. If your happy it's what you should be doing. You had quite a few words to type up, good luck with it.

  4. Yay! Such a great feeling to get back in. I have a new project I'm embarking on. So far it's only a few notes, but those few notes will certainly become an actual story very soon.

    1. Isn't it exciting to see those notes grow and flesh out into a story. Good luck!

  5. I'm working on a WIP, plus I'm about to change realtors so we can sell this beautiful place and move back east. I'm a little crazy, but in a good way. LOL.

    Happy New Year, Sara. Spending time with you in 2012 was fun. I can't wait to see what happens next.

    1. Good luck with the new realtor and the WIP. Getting to know you was great (I can't even remember which blog linked to you but I'm glad it did) Hopefully it only gets better from here.

  6. You're inspiring :) I still haven't written a thing in way too long, but I'll buckle down soon.

    1. People go at their own pace. My problem was I had ideas and inspiration, just too many other obligations. So my characters just kept nattering at me in my head with no way of getting them onto paper.

  7. I'm still revising, but I can see a light at the end of the tunnel. Maybe. At least I think so...

    Enjoy your time with your story! :)

    1. Good luck on those revisions. I hope the light is the end and not an oncoming train. Sometimes holding onto that light is the only way to get through.

  8. Excellent! I started writing again, too. Greatest feeling. Ever. Let's rock this new year! :)

  9. Love the idea of clandestine meetings with your MS and characters! I wrote a lot today but I just can't seem to get into an editing groove that last longer than an hour or so at a time. I need to work harder!

    1. You and me both. I'm supposed to be finishing up edits on Far From the Sea so I can continue querying. :P

  10. "...but we were constrained to clandestine meetings and fleeting glances." Loved that! Sounds rather, well, I liked that! LOL

  11. Glad to see you are back at it. I hate it when too much time passes without working on something. I am finishing up the second book in my Ascendant series, Midheaven (due to my publisher like now!) and also a stand alone novel, Day of the Dead, that my agent will start shopping later this year. Best of luck with your writing in the new year, I look forward to reading about your progress!

  12. Sara,
    My writing efforts are piddling away a story or experience at a time. But its nonfiction. It has been easier since I made the decision to write it as individual shorts compiled into one book rather than a linear book. I wasted way too much time thinking of how I was going to compile it into one. It's still in the first draft stage.

    Good luck with the new infant. Like real infants a gentle touch and a lot of time is required.

    1. I'm glad you were able to find the outline that worked for you. I'm impressed you've been able to do so much during your recovery. Good luck with it!

  13. Glad to hear it! I'm almost done with my first draft of book #8. :) Gotta get it done!

    1. Good luck getting it done! I hope it's the big break out book for you.

  14. It is a great feeling diving back in. My kids go back to school on Monday which will allow me to get into a routine and hopefully start banging out the word count. I've got a lot of projects set up so I have and will be busy. And I can't wait!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. oh, Sara, you mentioned on my blog that you enjoyed good bread. Well, it made me think of this recipe that I've tried, for making no-knead bread.

      Now, I not really good at baking but this came out really well. So good even that I blogged about it, lol. Anyway, thought I'd pass it on. (:

    3. It is a great feeling. I hope you're able to get working when the kids are back in school. And thanks for the bread recipe. I'm always looking for good bread recipes. Especially ones that are egg and dairy free. I'll be trying it out this week.

  15. Congrats! Always so fun :)

    Working on polishing up two NaNo collabs. Then will move on to writing the second in my Fraction Series :)

    1. Good luck with all those MSs. That's a plateful.

  16. I'm really close to returning to my infant manuscript as well. Been just over two months. The itch is returning! :)

    Good luck with yours!

    1. Good luck with that infant manuscript. I'm glad the itch is returning. Scratch it well.

  17. I have had that experience before. Currently, I'm biting my nails until I get the full ms back from my critique partners tomorrow, Jan 8th.
